Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Westport Gold Medal Pairs - Winners

The following are the details of the winning teams in the Westport Gold Medal Men's Pairs for 2017.

Many thanks to David Griffiths, Westport, for the scoring during the tournament.


10TH PLACE      C YOUNG      M RAND     3 WINS + 9       38 ENDS

9TH PLACE        J HRABAK      P BAKER      3 WINS +19     37 ENDS

8TH PLACE        S COLLINS        L SUCH      3 WINS + 32   40 ENDS

7TH PLACE       R LEE    S MEARRICK      4 WINS  + 13     37 ENDS

6TH PLACE        M PARRY    M BRENNAN     4 WINS     +   18     38 ENDS

5TH PLACE        W BUCKLEY      B ANDERSON      4 WINS  + 25      37 ENDS

4TH PLACE       F RYAN      G WORLEY      4 WINS   + 33        38 ENDS
3RD PLACE     B SMITH      C DONALDSON     4 WINS    +  56      45 ENDS
2ND PLACE     M LACEY    P DAVIS      5 WINS   + 35      41 ENDS
1ST PLACE     S HARRIS       G RAYMOND     5 WINS    +   52      43     ENDS

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