Sunday, 15 October 2017

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 15th October, 2017 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

 The latest news report follows with thanks to Ray Downes.


We know that Christmas is not far away when the President’s Big Bowl Pairs Tournament is played. This year 28 teams took to the greens on the weekend of the 7th and 8th; only three teams registered four wins. John Hrabak and Matt Carter took first prize, Chris Ballam and Graham Conen second and John Williams and Phil Lindfield third.

A few of the fittest bowlers fronted up again on Wednesday to contest the Classic Pairs and after the early morning rain it was a very different surface. Mark Hammond and Charlie Doyle took first prize, Gary Russell and Rick Lentini second and Kevin Byford and Gary Knox third.

Thursday was washed out when the rain returned, however social bowls on Monday was well attended.  Max Heslehurst, Brian Pearce and Peter Harris were rink winners with Doug Rose, John White Jnr and Helene White the lucky losers.

Dennis Smith and Harry Hicks were Saturday’s winners with Max Heslehurst and George Barnes lucky to lose.

Sharon and Ray Stokmanis won through to the next round of the Mixed Pairs Championships defeating Pat Murphy and John Cree.

The annual Lakers versus the Village People game is on Sunday 29th October so put your name down for the challenge. It is always a fun day, three bowl triples, mufti dress with morning tea served at 0900 and a 0930 start.

Locker fees are due so if you have not paid, see Kerry Deas and do so now please.

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