Wednesday, 10 January 2018

News from Port City - WBC

The news report from the Port City Women's Bowling Club for the week ending Tuesday 9th January, 2018 is now available.

View the report below with thanks to Jill Curtis, Publicity Officer.

Port City Women's Bowling Club
Tuesday, 9 January 2018
Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year.
We are anticipating the year ahead will be a great year of bowls.
Twilight bowls is back for the year and will recommence this Thursday evening with a 6pm start. Play finishes around 7.30 pm and finger food is provided afterward.
Please stick to the uniform code as much as possible. When playing in any
Club selected or Championship event Club uniform is mandatory. When the Club uniform is not required mufti dress standards shall be neat and tidy, no tights or scooping necklines should be worn.
The Australia day event is coming up. The theme will be Australia v’s the World. Dress up as your country of birth if you like. It will be a mixed triples format and an Aussie lunch will be provided.  The cost is $15 per head, teams or single entry. Check out the list on the notice board.
Welcome back to Anne Kirk, Val Byrnes and Maureen Cutting.
Birthdays: B Hodgson, B Weatherley
Jackpot: The jackpot was won today by rink 17. Skip K Hardy chose lucky 7. The jackpot will now reset at $100.
Daily Prizes:   K Stewart ,B Owens, E Russell, S Smith, L Palmer and a special welcome to our new player D Elkington.
Raffles: W Kennedy, E Russell, G Hollis, L Palmer.
50 Club: D Amor, K Hardy, K Bolsover
Upcoming competitions
15 Jan           Committee meeting
16- 18 Jan     District State Fours and Senior Fours (Final North Haven)
23-25 Jan      District State Triples (Final Westport)
26 Jan           Australia v’s the World
6-8 Feb         District State Pairs and Senior Pairs (Final North Haven)
BOWLS – Visitors Most Welcome
Tuesday AM –  Ladies – Selectors pick, 9.00 for 9.30am start
Thursday AM – Nominated Ladies & Mixed Pairs, 9.00 for 9.30am Start
Saturday AM – Nominated Triples or Fours, 9.00 for 9.30am Start
Sunday PM   – Mixed Triples. 12.30 for 1pm start (names in by 10.00am)
Happy Bowling            
Jill Curtis
Publicity Officer

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