Monday, 22 January 2018

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report for the weeks ending Sunday 14th and 21st January, 2018 from the Lake Cathie Women's BC is now available.

The latest report follows with thanks to Liz Fuller.
Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club Report W/e 14th January 2018

Welcome back to everyone, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.

For Tuesday 9th January our lucky rink winners were S Malzard, D Fischer, J Roberts and A Wilson and our lucky runners up were B Roberson, D Lynch and M Peasnell.

Then on Saturday 13th January N Scott and R Anstee were the lucky rink winners and C Bouffler and N Steward were the lucky runners up.

Don’t forget to check the boards for your information as there is a lot coming up with the early start to Pennants as well as all the new rosters are up and various newsletters.

Our thoughts are with those families who maybe had a sad start to the new year and to all who are not well and recovering we send you our best thoughts and well wishes too.

Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club Report Weekending 21nd January 2018

Social Results for Tuesday 16th January saw V Hamilton, K Deas, H Millard and N Castles as the lucky winners and the runners up were R Jones, A Constantine, M Simmonds and M Dewson.

Social Results for Saturday 20th January saw the lucky rink winner of P Murphy, M Peasnell, D Lynch and B Roberson and the runners up were L Moore, C Bouffler and J Cairney.

The first of the Championships for the year were played on Tuesday the 16th January which saw for our first round of the Under 3 years being played and the result were P Kelly defeating R Anstee and A Pritchard defeating M Duhigg.

To all who are not well or recovering we send you are best wishes.

Liz x x

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