Monday, 30 April 2018

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 29th April, 2018 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

The latest news report follows with thanks to Ray Downes.

LAKE CATHIE MEN’S BOWLING CLUB                          
Denis Begley and Warren Dark claimed the 2018 Club Minor Pairs Championship today, beating Ray Downes and Rob Eldridge 21-14. It was 14 all with five ends to go, then Denis and Warren jumped ahead to the finishing line. A good game, congratulations to both teams.

In the first round of the Minor Singles Championships, Bob Hoban, Phil Innes, Bill Mahon, Ray Downes, Denis Begley, Reg Penney, Paul Dewson and Bob Kohut won their games and move through to the next round.

The first round of the Pennants was a wash-out on Saturday. When will the rain stop?!

Social play on Monday saw Anne Armstrong and Doug Rose grinners with Ron Campbell, Keith Lawton and Dick Engel lucky losers.
On Thursday the main grinners were Rob Eldridge, Bill Stewart and Bruce Roberts, runners-up were Ken Pritchard, Jim McGill and Brian Pearce and lucky losers were Tom Reeves, Phil Innes and Ron Allen.

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