Saturday, 28 January 2017

News from Westport - WBC

The news report from the Westport Women's BC for the week ending Sunday 29th January, 2017 is now available.

The report follows with thanks to Kaye Stingel, Publicity Officer


TUESDAY MORNING MIXED BOWLS – 9.30am start – Uniform or neat casual. Welcome all members and visitors to this competition. Come along and enjoy a pleasant morning of bowls with a happy group of players. Even the hot weather did not deter the regular Tuesday morning bowlers. Winners for Tuesday 24th January were Joy Elford, Peter Burton and Alec Morris. Raffle winners were Elaine Hankin, Ricky Moore and Rob Ferry. Jackpot not won.  Margaret and Ron Coombes can be contacted on 6581 3264 or 0422816063 if you would like to come and have a happy game of bowls. All visitors welcome.  

THURSDAY MORNING LADIES DAY – 9.30am start –Uniform. As Australia Day fell on our ladies day, we decided to put on a Mixed competition with no winners, great sausage sizzle, raffles and all donations to the Marine Rescue. A great morning was had by all and even time to watch the boats on the river, decorated with Aussie flags and plenty of colour.

Selectors for Thursday 2nd February are Di Irving (65826262) and Sue Smith (0423687106). Water and flag roster for Thursday 2nd February are Lesley Godson and Di Todd. Pennant practice will be held each Thursday as Pennant season commences 20th February, 2017.


Our 2017 August Triples Carnival is on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th of August.


On Saturday 3rd June, 2017 and Sunday 4th June 2017, we are holding a two day Mixed Pairs carnival with prize money of $5000.  Entry fee will be $80 per team for the two days. Entries will close on Friday 26th May 2017.  For further details please contact our Secretary Loraine Condello on 65 810613 or President Di Parry on 65 837346.

Happy bowling,

Kaye Stingel, Publicity

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