Sunday, 22 July 2018

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report for the weeks ending Sunday 22nd July, 2018 from the Lake Cathie Women's BC is now available. 

The latest report and photo follow with thanks to Liz Fuller.

Club Triples Championship Winners for 2018. Dianne Fischer , Anne Wilson and Lynne Thompson.
Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club
Weekending 22nd July 2018.

The Final of the Triples Championship for 2018 was played on Tuesday 17th July with your winners for the year being Dianne Fischer, Anne Wilson and Lynne Thompson who defeated Fiona Brassy, Anna Innes and Marilyn Dewson in an enjoyable game to watch.

Social Bowls for Saturday 20th July 2018 saw the lucky rink winners of M Dewson, A Innes and L Matthew and the runners up were N Castles and H Durrant.

Minor Pairs Championship 2018 results for Saturday 20th July were V Hamilton and A Pritchard defeating H Millard and M Avery.
P Kelly and L Moore defeated M Duhigg and A Armstrong who was the sub for P Tye.

To all who are not well and recovering we send you our best wishes and hope to see you all soon.

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