Wednesday, 22 November 2017

News from Port City - WBC

The news report from the Port City Women's Bowling Club for the week ending Tuesday 21st November, 2017 is now available.

View the report below with thanks to Jill Curtis, Publicity Officer.

Port City Women's Bowling Club
Tuesday, 21 November 2017


We had a fantastic attendance today with 61 players.
The weather was perfect, and the greens were running beautifully.

Next week, 28 November Social bowls will be played alongside Encouragement day.

Twilight bowls is now running every Thursday evening with a 6pm start. Play finishes around 7.30 pm. Its great fun. Why not come along and check it out? See Phil in the bowls office for more information.

Bowls N.S.W has changed the district triples format to two bowls and 21 ends. Club triples will now follow suit and we will move to 2 bowls triples in the new year.

Christmas is almost upon us and the Christmas party list will be going up next week. The cost will be $15 with all money raised going to the Salvation Army. We are looking for donations, which can be placed in the box near the notice board.

Non-perishables only thank you. Toys should be unwrapped; however, you may also donate some wrapping paper if you wish.

Welfare: Anne Connell is still receiving treatment and is coming along alright. To all our members not in the best of health presently, we wish you a speedy recovery and back to good health very soon.  

Winners: Minor Pairs R Kean /H Carr, K Bolsover/ B Burge

Daily Prizes:   B Weatherley, A Williams, B Hicks, R Evans, L Stewart, F Martin
Jackpot: The Jackpot was not won by E Eames on rink 2
Raffles: D Gudgeon, M Godson, N Schwartz, L Zahra
50 Club: W Kennedy, D Sumsky, B Burge

Upcoming competitions

27 Nov          Committee Meeting
28 Nov          Encouragement Day

4 Dec            Kew Christmas Triples
12 Dec          Christmas Party

BOWLS – Visitors Most Welcome

Tuesday AM –  Ladies – Selectors pick, 9.00 for 9.30am start
Thursday AM – Nominated Ladies & Mixed Pairs, 9.00 for 9.30am Start
Saturday AM – Nominated Triples or Fours, 9.00 for 9.30am Start
Sunday PM   – Mixed Triples. 12.30 for 1pm start (names in by 10.00am)

Happy Bowling            

Jill Curtis
Publicity Officer

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