Monday, 19 February 2018

News from Kew - MBC

The news report from the Kew Men's BC for the week ending Sunday 18th February, 2018 is now available.

View the latest report below with thanks to Brian Charters.

Kew Men’s Bowls News.

The inaugural Memorial bowls day featuring the Ken Kinman shield and the Tony Jack shootout has been a wonderful success with a full field of 28 teams taking part with plenty of great bowls on display there was only 3 points between the first three teams on 62 points and winning the day was John Hilton, Rod Sutton and Ray (Wicky) Allan in 2nd place on 61 points was Maretha Renolds, Ray Orr and Jerry Janic, 3rd place Gary Martin, Dave Herman and Mark Hammond and 4th place on 58 points was Adrian Hilton, Ian Hilton and Trevor Robb in the Tony Jack shootout the retired fisherman Ian Poole was the winner.

Congratulations to all the winners we hope to see everyone back again next year. A big thank you to Steve and staff behind the bar and the girls in the bistro for a great meal and last but not least the men’s committee for all their hard work in putting on the tournament.

Wednesday social winners were George Wise, Steve Hall and John Gemmell, the runner up prize went to Alf Salter and Barrie Isaac. Vouchers went to John Gemmell, Carl Young, Chicka Thompson, Steve Hall and Doug Long.

Wednesday social and Friday jackpot triples are the bowls this week names in by 11.30 12.30 start both days mufti dress all welcome.

For all enquiries phone the club on 65594203. Cheers Frosty.

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