Wednesday 21 August 2019

News from Port City - WBC

The news report from the Port City Women's Bowling Club for the week ending Tuesday 20th August, 2019 is now available.

Thanks to Jill Curtis, Publicity Officer for the report.

Tuesday 20 August 19

Weekly News

Another round of the Major Minor competition was played today. The winning team was Carol White and Kerry Bolsover who defeated Eveline Ramsay and Sonny Willis. The semi-final between Carol’s and Beth Schubert’s team will be played this Thursday 22 August and the final will be on Tuesday 27 August.

We had a great turnout of 40 social players who were brave enough to face the windy conditions.

Congratulations to our Grade One and Grade Four Pennant players for their great performance in the playoffs last week. Your efforts have done our club proud

Club Fours commences next Tuesday 27 August. The Quarterly Committee Meeting will be held after play.

Major Minor Pairs: Winning team C White and K Bolsover
Jackpot: The jackpot was not won buy K McFarlane on rink 7
Raffle Winners: J Knight, F Schollum, S Smith, J Scholz, J Opitz
50 Club:  A Kranz, L Palmer, D Gudgeon

Lucky Numbers: J McKay, B Burge, L Bishell, M Fowler,
C Woodham, R Kean

Upcoming Events
22 Aug                  Hat Head Presidents Day
27 Aug                  Club Fours Commence
27 Aug                  Kempsey Heights Three Bowl Triples
2 Sept                   District Bi-Monthly Meeting (Lake Cathie)
2-10 Sep              State Championships (Sth Tamworth)
10 Sep                  Lake Cathie Spring Carnival
11 Sep                  Comboyne 47th Birthday
12 Sep                  Wauchope Floral Festival
13 Sep                  Port Panthers 3 Bowl Pairs Carnival
16-17 Sep            Port City Turnaround Triples For Four

BOWLS – Visitors Most Welcome

Tuesday AM        Ladies – Selectors pick 9.15am for a 9.30am start
Thursday AM –      Nominated Ladies & Mixed Pairs, 9.15am for 9.30am start
Saturday AM –       Nominated Triples, 9.15am for 9.30am start
Sunday   PM –       Mixed Triples. 12.45pm for 1pm start (names in by 10.00am)

Happy Bowling  
Jill Curtis J

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