Sunday 11 August 2019

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 11th August 2019 from the Lake Cathie Women's BC is now available.

The latest report follows with thanks to Liz Fuller.

Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club 

Weekending 11th August 2019

Firstly, I would like to wish our Pennant ladies who are playing up at Kingscliff this week all the best of luck and have a great time away.

Consistency Singles are under way with the results from Tuesday 6th August 2019 being M Dewson defeating V Stewart, J West defeating K Jobson, J Roberts defeating J Howard, D Fischer defeating P Saddler and then on Saturday 10th August 2019 A Pritchard defeated J West and A Wilson defeated O Hulland.

Social Bowls for Tuesday 6th August 2019 saw the lucky rink winners of O Hulland, J Matthews and T Banks and the runners up were S Malzard, E Mason, B McIntosh and J Quillian. On Saturday 10th August the lucky rink winners were A Pritchard and F Brassey and the runners up were H White and L Watson.

Don’t forget to get those entries in to Judi Blackler for the Spring Carnival as soon as you can as it’s not that far away.

For those interested in the concert this year or would like to help please see Joye or Lorraine as many hands make light work.

As usual please check those board for all information for what’s on and about.

To all who are not well or recovering we send you are best wishes and hope to see you all soon.

Liz x

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