Wednesday, 6 February 2019

News from Port City - WBC

The news report from the Port City Women's Bowling Club for the week ending Tuesday 5th February, 2019 is now available.

View the report below with thanks to Jill Curtis, Publicity Officer.

Port City Women's Bowling Club

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Weekly News

One more Pennant trial will be held on Thursday 7 th February. Please turn up at 9am for a 9.30am start. Team lists for are up on the notice board. The cost is $10pp and play will be followed by a sausage sizzle. Also this Thursday 7 February Twilight Bowls starts at 6pm. The cost is $10 pp which includes finger food afterwards; contact our bowls coordinator Phil on 6583 1153.
We had a great turnout of 58 players today. There was a lovely summer breeze blowing from the north east.

District State Triples will be held at Lake Cathie on Tuesday 12 February. All Byes’ will be held in the afternoons. Check the notice board for more details

Entries are now open for the District Mixed 3 bowl Pairs. Play commences on

12 March. Women players must be a member in our district to qualify, however their male partner can come from outside our locality. Check out the sheet on the notice board.

Good luck to Carol White who is off to Cessnock to play in the Indoor Singles Competition.

If anyone is interested in purchasing a sleeveless shirt, the order form is on the noticeboard.

The format for Social Bowls will change to two bowl triples for two weeks prior to the start of pennant season. It will return to the normal three bowl format once pennants have commenced.

Welfare: Helen Cooper is now home from hospital and doing OK. Faye Martin should recover from her leg operation quickly and will return home in a few days

Birthdays: M Tascott, W Kennedy

Lucky Envelopes: N Clarkson, M Miller, J Opitz, V Bott, M Fowler, H Ross
Raffle Winners: E Eames, B Burge, R Roach, J Barry
50 Club: D Franklin, R Roach, L Conroy 
Jackpot: The jackpot was not won by P Ditchfield on rink 5.

Upcoming Events

12 Feb District State Triples (final Nth Haven)
13 Feb District State Triples (final Nth Haven)
14 Feb District State Triples (final Nth Haven)
15 Feb Indoor Singles Warilla/East Cessnock
16 Feb Indoor Singles Warilla/East Cessnock
17 Feb Indoor Singles Warilla/East Cessnock
18 Feb Indoor Singles Warilla/East Cessnock

26 Feb District State Pairs (open & senior Final Westport)

BOWLS – Visitors Most Welcome

Tuesday AM – Ladies – Selectors pick 9.15am for a 9.30am start
Thursday AM – Nominated Ladies & Mixed Pairs, 9.15am for 9.30am start
Saturday AM – Nominated Triples, 9.15am for 9.30am start
Sunday PM – Mixed Triples. 12.45pm for 1pm start (names in by 10.00am)

Happy Bowling

Jill Curtis 

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