Monday, 11 February 2019

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 10th February, 2019 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

The latest news report follows with thanks to Bob Fischer.

Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club

Week ending Sunday 10th February 2019

Monday winners were John Jarvis & Peter Harris while the runners up were Veronica Stewart, Robyn Anstee & Ray Craven.

Thursday winners: John Manning, Steve Webster & Roger Hall while the runners up were Bob Kohut, Glen Ferris, Dean Gemmell & Terry McHugh. The lucky losers were Ron Campbell, Reg Penny, Ted Jobson & Keith Lawton.

Saturday winners: John Atkins & Keith Martin with the runners up team being Dennis Begley & Bob Fischer.

In the 1st round of the Fours Championship, the winners were Ivan Bozanic, Vic Ley, Ross Fuller & Laurie Bayliss defeating Paul Dewson, Max Heslehurst, Brian Gorman & Ray Downes 21/16.

Charles Duthie, Dennis Begley, Ron Allen & Geoff Worley defeating Ray Craven, Alan Bigg, Jim Mcgill & Ken Pritchard 18/14

Warren Jamison, Doug Porter, Glen Tiley & Gary Knox def Steve Grimshaw, John White, Des Hancox & Gavin Law 26/16.

The 2nd round saw G. Worley’s team defeat V. Austin’s team, S Philp’s team defeat L. Bayliss’s team while S. Smith’s team defeated B. Fischer’s team.

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