Sunday, 16 July 2017

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 16th July, 2017 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

 The latest news report follows with thanks to Bob Fischer who is standing in for Ray Downes.

Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club   week ending Sunday 16th July 2017

Monday’s BBQ Mixed Triples Social Bowls winners were John White (jr), Marion Kelly and Helene White while the lucky losers were George Barnes and Susan Harper (pairs game only)
Thursday Winners were Kerry Deas, Rob Dickson and Vic Hayhurst. The runners-up were Ken Gates, Graham Howard and Ray Stokmanis. The lucky losers were John Potts, Max Heslehurst and Ray Downs.
The Wednesday Classic Pairs results are as follows: 1st: Rob Eldridge and Gary Russell, 2nd: Gary Martin and Charlie Doyle, 3rd: John Wilks and Gary Knox, 4th: Andy Lloyd and Gary Mc Loughlin, 5th: John Rossiter and Paul Barry. The consolation winners were Ron and Lynne Thompson.
There were no games played on Saturday due to rain. The Major Pairs Final will now be played on Friday 21 July at 9am with Gary Knox and John Atkins against Graeme Bateman and Glen Tiley.

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