Sunday, 2 July 2017

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 2nd July, 2017 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

 The latest news report follows with thanks to Ray Downes.


What a relief it was to finally get our Monday BBQ Mixed Triples Social Bowls day underway and completed without the threat of rain even though it had been forecast. The Winning rink went to the triples team of Ken Gates, Graham Fairburn and Paddy Mathews. The Lucky Loser rink was won by the triples team of Helene White, Barry Armstrong and Anne Armstrong.

Thursday’s Men’s Muffti Social Bowls was a complete washout this week with all greens being closed for the day due to heavy rain leaving the greens saturated. This is the seventh time in the past 12 months that we have been forced to cancel all bowling on a Thursday being the day which attracts on average 108 players.

Saturday’s Social Bowls provided us with a successful Winning rink pairs team of Graham Fairburn and Max Heslehurst and for the Lucky Losers rink a pairs team of Danny Murray  and Bob Kitcher.

Five Major Pairs Club Championship games have been played now with all four winners now advancing to the Semi Finals round. The team of Graham Bateman and Glen Tiley defeated Max Heslehurst and Les Perry. The team of Bob Fischer and Bob Ruming defeated Steve Webster and Roger Hall in their 2nd round match which advanced them into round 3 when on Friday they defeated Ken Pritchard and Glenn Fuller advancing them now into the Semi Final round. The team of Geoff Worley and Steve Townsend defeated the team of Tom Reeves and Ron Allen and on Saturday the team of Gary Knox and John Atkins defeated Frank Ryan and Neil Proctor.

A reminder to all men bowling members that the Nomination Sheet for the Club Triples Championships is up on the Notice Board opposite the Bowls Office. Entries close at
6.00pm Sunday 9th July 2017.

All members are also reminded that the 2017 AGM for the Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club will take place in the Club House on Saturday 8th July 2017 commencing at 10.00am. Acceptance of further nominations for any member wishing to stand for the Management Committee have now closed. A Notice advising dates and times for voting has been placed up on the Notice board outside the Bowls Office, please make yourself available by taking the time to register your vote.

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