Monday, 12 August 2013

Port City Men's BC Weekly News Report

 Port City Men's Bowling Club news report for the week ending Sunday 11th August.
Wednesday pm :-$15 B Greenaway & P Gunn  $10  A Wellings, J Piola & N Bryce  $7 K Rovett, A Reeves & J Stone

Thursday am. :- $7  M Edwards & R Keen 

Thursday pm :- $15 W Jamison & B Stokes  $10J Faddy & D Lomas. $7P Brady & E Durrant.  C Munday tried for the $460 jackpot but chose the wrong number. Jackpot rolls on next week.

Friday pm :  $15  H Burge & F Smith $10  D Lomas & N Stingel .$7  B Richardson & J Cranna The Jackpot of $600 was not won by W Frances & G Platt. Next week the jackpot will be $600.

Sunday Mixed Triples :- 58 bowlers  The jackpot of $90 was not won.  Lucky Winners :- $ 15 E Eames, A Eames & K Ashdown  $10 B Ditchfield, Z Akmens & T Field  $7 L Cannon, D Gudgeon &  M Walsh
Lucky Envelopes :- M Edwards , D Holihan,  G Campbell,  T Wellings & L McLean.  Raffle Winners 1st  B Campbell  2nd   G Connell  3rd. A Wellings.

Junior Carnival :-  It was great to see the 7-A-Side junior bowlers filling our greens for the weekend. It was indeed pleasing to see the caliber of bowls played and the attitude displayed by these young bowlers. It was also great to see Zone 14 (our zone) win the carnival.

Championships:- Major/Minor Pairs:- J Burge & F Smith def  K Atkins & T Scholz.   J Piola  (sub for C Murray) & B Stewart & B Richardson & J Cranna.

Minor Pairs,:-  G Keft & T Scholz def  D Ramsay & N Horton, K Atkins & K Ashdown def R Bradbury & C Campbell
Upcoming Events :- LNCDBA District  Champion  of Champion Singles  August 17th & 18th ; NSW Ladies City versus Country August 23rd - 25th.

Don’t forget the Friday Night  Monster Meat Raffle buy $5 get $5 free ,Tickets go on sale from 5pm .And our after bowls raffle on Sunday of $1,000 of meat trays; Tickets go on sale from 4.30 pm .

Thanks to Garry Lawer,  Bowls Organiser, for this report.                                

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