Sunday, 3 December 2017

News from Hibbard - MBC

The news report from the Port Panthers Men's BC for the week ending Sunday 3rd December, 2017 is now available.

View the latest report below with thanks to Paul Sloan.

Port Panthers Men's Bowling Club

Mens pairs Tuesday 28/11/17  - winners today were Geoff Provert & Terry Millward, runners  up were Karl Toole & Bob Paterson, lucky losers were Tom Thrussell & Brian Bradley. The mens jackpot was not won by the team of Bruce Fairhall & Ron Maddison, bad luck guys more next week.

Mens triples 30/11/17 - Todays winners were Geoff Bynon, Bernie Biddle & Paul Crosariol, the runners up were Les Tobin, Pedro Gill & Brian Bradley,  the lucky losers were Thomo & Capt Ken. Good news for the rest of us the jackpot successfully eluded Ken Christie, Ted Rutkowski & John Burns.

A reminder any one interested in pennants, please put your name down, wether reserve or player selectors are trying to get an idea of available players. The handicap 4's & 3's are starting in January, names down please, conditions are on the board.

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