Monday 5 December 2016

Port City WBC Nov/Dec Newsletter

            PRESIDENT DEB’S BITS AND PIECES                       
Hello Ladies
Well, after a busy year we are nearing the end of the year.  Our end of year break is only a couple of weeks away, where we will hopefully recharge our batteries and come back to bowls full of energy and confidence.

As I said at the quarterly meeting, I am proud of all the achievements that our lady bowlers did throughout the year, too many to list.  However, on the pennant front we continue to fall at the last hurdle.  But, next year I feel we are going to excel!!
Our social bowlers continue to support us on our Ladies Day, Tuesday.  Thank you once again!!! I would like to see all our bowlers play more on a Tuesday especially all the competitive bowlers.  They are busy bowling most of the time, but I would like to see them on the greens when they are not playing competitions.  Our Thursdays have dropped off alarmingly.  So, anyone with a spare Thursday or two give bowls a go (great time for practice) or getting your own teams together to play with your friends.
Bowls can be a highly competitive sport, but it can also be a great social outing with lots of laughs. However, sometimes nastiness raises its ugly head.  People get offended.  So please be mindful of your fellow bowlers.
Finally, please have a happy, healthy, safe Christmas and New Year.  We want to see you all back in 2017 raring to tackle another year.  Remember the time to be happy is now!! 
Merry Xmas from all the Committee and myself         
 SELECTORS' REPORT - Chairpers0n, Shirley Devine
The notice for the Christmas Party is on the board - next Tuesday, 13th.  You may enter a whole team of three, or just two or you may put in a single entry.  Because the lunch is being catered, names must be in by next Friday at 2 pm.  For unavoidable late changes ring Shirley on 65838127. 
We hope that all pennant sides have elected a Manager (a.k.a. side captain).  These managers should obtain from Joy Barry copies of the relevant draw for their eight players.
We will continue with Thursday and Saturday bowls until Thursday 15th December, if numbers warrant it.
Law 12.1.1 -  On the rink of play, players at the mat end of the rink who are not
                                                    delivering a bowl must stand at least 1 metre behind the mat.
PRACTICE/ COACHING - Friday Morning 10am
with Margaret Doyle
It is the time many of us have a break from bowls.  We will resume early in January for the District Championships followed by Pennant.  You can use the intervening time to practice and give yourself every chance to do well.
Circuit practice will still be available.  Watch the notice board for details.
WELFARE - Mary Bennett
As the holiday season approaches, we wish everyone a Happy Christmas and healthy New Year.  Take care and enjoy your time with family and friends. To all our members not in the best of health at the moment we wish you a speedy recovery and back to good health very soon. 
Gail Carmody,
Publicity Officer

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