Saturday, 28 September 2013

NSW Review of Zones for Men's and Women's Bowls

Bowls NSW and the NSWWBA have released an initial discussion paper regarding boundaries for Zones in NSW. Our area, defined in the paper as Area 2 (Mid North Coast) is similar to the men's Zone 14 except the Greater Taree area is now included.

"Bowls NSW and the NSWWBA recently engaged the services of independent sports consultant Henny Oldenhove to undertake a research project comparing the existing zone/region structures, boundaries and membership trends of both Associations against projected general population and demographic trends for the next 15-20 years.

The Sixteen 'Areas" (Zone/Regions) which have been proposed in the Discussion Paper have been established AS A STARTING POINT and are based on measurable criteria including the Local Government Area Boundaries and an even distribution of clubs and members.

ALL members, officials and administrators are now invited to submit objective and relevant feedback in writing on the proposed zone/regions using the Feedback form provided."

Click here for the full article and follow the links for details.

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