Sunday, 9 June 2013

Port City Men's BC Weekly News Report

Port City Men's Bowling Club news report for the week ending Sunday 9th June.

Wednesday pm :- $15 Julian Duczynski, Len Grambau  &  Bert Sainsbury,  $10 Jim Lobley, Gordon Nelson  &  Ted Langdon,  $7 Brian Smith  &  Brian Sharman.

Thursday pm :-  :- $15 Julian Duczynski & Bruce Thompson, $10 Geoff Worley & Russell Fair .The Jackpot of $424 was not won by Dave Lomas & John Faddy .Next week the jackpot will be approximately $480

Friday pm :-.$15  Bernie Apps & Bob Counsell,  $10  Joe Judge & Bob Kane. John Breen &  Dave Lomas did not win The jackpot  next week will be  $600.

Saturday pm :- $15.Dave Lomas & Denise Gudgeon,  $10 Nathan Horton & “Big Ears” Bales

Major Pairs Final: Jim Cranna & Geoff Ball def Allan White & Geoff Worley – well done, boys!!!

Also congratulations to John Hrabak on winning President’s Reserve Singles. And special mention to Ralph Eriksson on reaching the semi-finals – great work, Ralph.

Sunday pm :-66 Players  Jackpot $90 was not won. $15 B.Hodgson, H.Durrant & E.Eames, $10 L.O’Reily,P.O’Reily & J.Cranna $7 D.Stone,F.Green & D.Stone.Lucky Envelopes  1st N.Williams2nd  J.Brady 3rd F.Martin  4th K.Ison5th J.Lucas Raffle  1st J.Lobley 2nd  L.Scholz 3rd  T.Millward.

Upcoming Events :- Grade’s 6’s & 7’s $18,000 Tournament will be held on 21st ,22nd  & 23rd of June .

The Port Macquarie Mixed Pairs will be held on the  28th ,29th  & 30th of June .

Don’t forget the Friday Night  Monster Meat Raffle buy $5 get $5 free ,Tickets go on sale from 5pm .And our after bowls raffle on Sunday of $1,000 of Meat Trays Tickets go on sale from 4.30 pm .

Thanks to Trevor Scholz, Bowls Organiser, for this report.

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