Saturday, 30 November 2019

News from Westport - WBC

The news report from the Westport Women's BC for the week ending Thursday 28th November, 2019 is now available.

The report follows
 with thanks to Julie Fraser, Communications Officer.

Westport Women's Bowling Club

Report for Tuesday 26/11/2019

Tuesday Morning Mixed Bowls- 9.30 am start- Uniform or neat and casual. Welcome all members and visitors to this competition. Come along and enjoy a pleasant morning game of bowls with a happy group of players. Margaret and Ron Coombes can be contacted on 65813264 or 0422816063 or names down in locker rooms. All visitors welcome. Bowlers to meet upstairs in the function room. Winners were M. Whitechurch, J. O’Mara , M. Buckley and P. Moon. Raffle winners were P. Moon, L. Williamson x2, V. Carroll . No jackpot winners today.

Report for Thursday 28/11/2019

Thursday Morning Ladies Social Bowls- 9.30 am start- Uniform or neat and casual. Selectors for Wednesday 4 th and Thursday 5 th are Jo Lee 0404004274 and Colleen Purnell 65840396 or 0428128756. Winners were B. Whiting, P. Coughey, M. Madeley and J. Edwards . Runners up were B. Oliver and W. Elliott. Raffle winners were J. Fleming, A. Jones and R. McCabe. No jackpot winners today. Congratulations to Marj Peasnall and Karen Anderson winners of the Major/ Minors. Runners up were Betty Oliver and Wendy Elliott. Well played both teams . Well done to Carol Chandler , Rosemary McCabe , Barb Nall and Christine Waterford on having the biggest margin in the afternoon game at Port City Encouragement Day .


Christmas Party and presentation day Thursday 12th December. Names down in locker room.
Photo shoot next Thursday 5th .

To all our girls not feeling the best we wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you back with us soon.

Communications Officer
Julie Fraser

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