Friday, 12 March 2021

Women's HHDWBA Pennant Results 2021

 The Hastings Haven District Women's Bowling Association pennants have commenced this week.

Thanks to Kaye Stingel, Communications Officer for the District, for this news release and the results after round 1.

Click here to view the results.

Note: Sat. 13 March 2021, 12 noon - the format for the results has been revised to enable viewing in Android phones.


Unknown said...

Thank you Kaye Stingel for the Pennants results for Hastings Haven District, very much appreciated. Maria Morrison, Communications Officer for North Haven Women's Bowling Club.

marme said...

Thanks Kay, keep up the good work. Appreciated
Margaret Hat Head,

Kaye Margaret Stingel said...

Thank you Maria and Margaret I am happy I could get the results out to everyone who is involved in bowls. Happy bowling Kaye