Monday, 9 March 2020

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 8th March, 2020 from the Lake Cathie Women's BC is now available.

The latest report follows with thanks to Liz Fuller.

Under 3 Years winner and runner up: Chris Baldwin and Kay Jobson

Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club

Weekly Report 8th March 2020.

Well I am back from holidays so now to catch up with what’s happening on the greens.

In my folder in the ladies room this week I have only two pieces of paper firstly for the 18th February 2020 the lucky rink winners were V Stewart, T Wise, M Avery and K Jobson and the runners up were M Dewson, A Innes, S Stokmanis and R Jones.

Then the next slip was for the 29th February 2020 and the lucky rink winners were J Roberts and O Hulland and the runners up were M Duhigg, A Avery and C Bouffler.

There were some Major Singles Championship games played on the 29th February 2020 and the results were J Roberts defeating W Byers, A Wilson defeating B Owens, M Dewson defeating P Begley, K Deas defeating S Malzard, S Stokmanis won on a forfeit over M Heslehurst, P Kelly defeating A Innes and D Fischer defeating J West.

On Saturday 7th March I was told there were two semis played (Apologise if I have got this wrong the details written on a coaster for me) Jenny Roberts defeated M Dewson and Anne Wilson defeated S Stokmanis.

Anyway, I will catchup on Tuesday and put in next week report if I have missed anything important for you all. Also, I have attached a photo of the Under 3 Years winner and runner up (Chris Baldwin and Kay Jobson) that Anne W took for me. Thanks Anne W.

Remember there is a meeting on Tuesday after lunch for you all to catchup on what is happening around the place and remember check the boards every week.

To all who are not well or recovering we send you our best wishes and hope to see you all soon.

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