Sunday, 22 March 2020

News from Kew - MBC

The news report from the Kew Men's BC for the week ending Sunday 22nd March, 2020 is now available.

View the latest report below with thanks to Brian "Frosty" Charters.

Kew Bowling Club

Notice to all Members of the Kew Bowling Club.

The Kew Bowling Club has received a Directive from Bowls NSW in Response to the current COVID-19 situation. It is directed that all Bowling Activities be Suspended for the immediate future. This message is clear and has an impact on Kew Bowling Club. 

Following this Directive from Bowls NSW Kew Bowling Club has suspended all Organized Club Bowling Activities for the immediate future. All Bowling Club activities includes; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Monthly competitions, all Club Championships, all Pennant and all Traveling Bowlers competitions our Club will continue to monitor the directive from Bowls NSW with regards to the COVID-19 situation. 

The Committee of our Club wishes all Members and their families good health as we work our way through these testing times. KBC Committee.

Cheers Fros

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