Sunday, 16 February 2020

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 16th February 2020 from the Lake Cathie Women's BC is now available.

The latest report follows with thanks to Liz Fuller.

Lake Cathie Women’s Bowling Club 

Report Weekending 16th February 2020

This week we will start with a huge congratulation to Lyn Moore, Pat Kelly and Margaret Duhigg on becoming Umpires. Also, a congratulation to Anne Butlin on becoming an Umpire Educator.

A reminder that Pennant Practises is on the 29th February 2020 so please try and make it.

We only have social bowls results for winning/runner up rinks this week so on Tuesday 11th February 2020 the winning rink winners were R Holmes, O Hulland and B Owens and the runners up were Y Howard, A Butlin and A Innes and then on Saturday 15th February 2020 the winning rink winners were P O Brien, P Begley, B Roberson and P Kelly and the runners up were R Jones, E Blueming, S Stokmanis and M Dewson.

So to all who are not well or recovering we send you our best wishes and hope to see you all soon.

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