Monday, 24 February 2020

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 23rd February, 2020 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

The latest news report follows with thanks to Bob Fischer

Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club 

Week ending Sunday 23rd February 2020

On Monday a good game was had by all and Ron Campbell, Robert Tucker and Keith Lawton came out the winners with the lucky losers Sue Anderson, Russel Smith, Graeme Perret and Alan Adams.

Thursday winners were Ron Thompson, Keith Woods, Vic Hayhurst and Ken Pritchard with runners up being Ron Allen, Ted Jobson, Phil Innes and Thomas Reeves. The lucky losers for the day were Roger Miles, Doug Rose, Jim Carter and Brian Gorman.

On Saturday Pennant trials were played against North Haven with an enjoyable afternoon’s bowls followed by a sausage sizzle.

Sunday saw the other semi -final of the 4’s being played with Danny Murray’s team claiming victory over Ken Pritchard’s team, setting up a great final between the teams of Danny Murray and Dennis Hamilton.

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