Sunday, 22 December 2019

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 22nd December, 2019 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

The latest news report follows with thanks to Bob Fischer.

Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club 

Week ending Sunday 22nd December 2019

Monday winners were Derek Wright, Marion Kelly and Graham Wiggins with the losing team comprising Bob Young and Ann and George Butlin.

Thursday winners were Richard Croft, Doug Porter and Steve Philp with runners up Richard Springett, Allan Bigg, Des Hancox and Gary Knox. Losing rink players were Peter Harris, Ray Craven and Keith Miller.

Saturday saw the winners Richard Springett, Terry McHugh and Phil Smith with runners up Keith Woods and Ken Pritchard.

Would bowlers please note that the greens will be closed during the Christmas/ New Year period till Tuesday 7th January with no roll ups allowed during this time. Men’s bowls will recommence on Thursday 9th January 2020.

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