Wednesday, 2 October 2019

News from Port City - WBC

The news report from the Port City Women's Bowling Club for the week ending Tuesday 1st October, 2019 is now available.

Thanks to Jill Curtis, Publicity Officer for the report.

Tuesday 1 October 19

Weekly News

Bowls N.S.W has announced that in 2020, all bowls N.S.W. events will be open gender. All women will be able to join the men’s club. To play in the men’s pennant side you have to join the men’s club. Joining fee is $30.00 p.a. You will also need a new uniform. Women who play on the men’s pennant team are also eligible to play on the women’s team. There will be some restrictions however, for example, if you play in the women’s singles comp you will not be allowed to play in the men’s event and vice versa. If you want to join please call Phil in the bowls office.

Port City will be hosting the State Blind Bowlers Championship starting October 11 and going through to the 13th. Phil is looking for markers. There is a list on the notice board for people interested.

Ladies bowls are being rescheduled from Tuesday 15 October to Thursday 17 th October to make way for the State Titles.

There are still some entries available for Mixed Pairs on 19 Oct. If you need a partner, call the office.

Kim Stewart is looking for feedback in regards to the Turnaround Triples Carnival. Please let her know if you have any suggestions.

Welcome to our new sponsor Black Pepper Boutique 56 Clarence St.
Black Pepper will be holding a free Fashion Parade and afternoon tea on Wednesday November 6 at 2pm. There are only 20 places available, so if you’re looking for a good afternoon out put your name on the list on the noticeboard.

Carol White will be available for training from 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons during Daylight Savings. Please bring a friend that might be interested in learning a new skill. Margaret Doyle is available on Friday mornings as usual.

Jackpot: The jackpot was not won buy R Biddle the winning skip on

Raffle Winners: R Biddle, B Barrett, J Scholz, F Martin

50 Club:  H Carr, M Fowler, C White

Lucky Numbers: J Curtis, C Woodham, F Walsh, N Clarkson, R Hehir, J MacKay  

Upcoming Events
7 Oct                     Kew under 8 yrs. Encouragement Day
10 Oct                   North Haven Gala Day
17 Oct                   Consistency singles close
21 Oct                   Committee Meeting
22-24 Oct             North Haven Riverview Carnival
23 Oct                   Port Panthers Pink Panther Day

BOWLS – Visitors Most Welcome

Tuesday  AM –      Ladies – Selectors pick 9.15am for a 9.30am start
Thursday AM –      Nominated Ladies & Mixed Pairs, 9.15am for 9.30am                             start
Saturday AM –       Nominated Triples, 9.15am for 9.30am start
Sunday   PM –       Mixed Triples. 12.45pm for 1pm start (names in by                                           10.00am)

Jill Curtis, Publicity J

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