Monday, 28 October 2019

News from Lake Cathie - MBC

The news report for the week ending Sunday 27th October, 2019 from the Lake Cathie Men's BC is now available.

The latest news report follows with thanks to Bob Fischer.

Lake Cathie Men’s Bowling Club 

Week ending Sunday 27th October 2019

Monday rink winners were M Sutton, R Jones & A Armstrong while the losing rink players were F Gaukroger, G Slack & P McNamara.

Thursday rink winners were J McCartney, R Hall & S Webster while the runners up were G Platt, I Howes & J Gillett. Losing rink players were G Sinclair, R Small & R Hill.

Saturday rink triples winners: S Grimshaw & K Dear while the runner up rink was G Ferris, G Denton, R Springett & R Eldridge

For those not feeling well our thoughts are with you.

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