Monday, 15 July 2013

Port City Men's BC Weekly News Report

The AGM of the Port City Men’s Bowling Club will be held on Saturday 20th of July starting at 9.30am .Voting will be between the Hours of 12 noon & 12.50 and 4.20 pm & 5.30 pm on Friday 12th , Saturday 13th ,Sunday 14th ,Wednesday 17th ,Thursday 18th .Voting will Close on Thursday 18th  July at 5.30 pm .

Wednesday pm :- $15 Brian Collis & Peter Ascott-Evans;  $10  Don Ramsay & Eddie Dasczyk.

Thursday pm : $15.Rex Holihan  &  Reg Lucas;  $10 Brian Jux  &  Russell Carkeek .The jackpot of $100 was not won by Peter Ascott-Evans  & Ken Taylor. There will be no social bowls next  Wednesday & Thursday due to the Prestige Pairs.

Friday pm :  $15 Ed Barton & Ken Littlefair  $10 Don Ramsay  & Kevin Hercus. The Jackpot of $600 was not won by Ern Leonard  & Keith Ison .Next week the jackpot will be $600.

Saturday pm :$15 Mick Hayes & John Rossiter; $10 Jan Optiz & Ken Taylor $7; Norma Schwartz & Nev Schwartz ,The jackpot of $400 was not won by Col Halls & Joe Piola. Major Triples Jim Burge (sub) Bill Greenaway & Gary Lawer def Ian Binder, Mitch McCann & Bryce Stewart.

Sunday am .Minor Pairs Graham Platt  & Peter Flanagan  def  Ron Osborn  &  Fred Mulligan , Col Halls & Joe Piola def. Callum Murray & AJ. Uptin, Rob Bradbury & Chris Campbell def Max Glasse & Chris Thornton .

 Major Triples  Semi Final  Jim Burge (sub) , Bill Greenaway & Gary Lawer def Trevor Scholz , Greg Laird & Ross Towers . 

Sunday Mixed Triples :- 118 Bowlers after a sausage sizzle had a game of bowls in warm conditions Winners :- $15 Hillary O’Neille , Maureen Scholz & Trevor Scholz $10 Jim Burge , Brenda Burge & Martin Wallis $7 Ella Wright, S.Moon & M.Boyd .Lucky Envelopes 1st Frank Edwards 2nd Bill Greenaway 3rd Rosmary Roach 4th Beth Schubert 5th Jim O’Brien . $25.00 Wish Cards 1st Kevin Hercus 2nd Maureen Carkeek 3rd Jack Milnes 4th Jan Humphries  Raffle 1st Di Jenkins 2nd Neville Schwartz  3rd Bill Greenaway.

Upcoming Events :- Saturday 27th July North Haven,  Kew & Kempsey Heights trial vs. Port City teams . Port City vs. Kempsey Heights Grade 1 @ , Port City vs. North Haven Grade 5 @ 1pm , Kempsey Heights vs. Kew Grade 1 @ 1pm.

State Seven A Side State Junior Championships 9th August to 11th August.

District  Champion  of Club Champion Singles  August 17th & 18th .

NSW Ladies City vs Country. 23rd – 25th August.

Don’t forget the Friday Night  Monster Meat Raffle buy $5 get $5 free ,Tickets go on sale from 5pm .And our after bowls raffle on Sunday of $1,000 of meat trays. Tickets go on sale from 4.30 pm .
Thanks to Trevor Scholz, Bowls Organiser, for this report


Colin said...

In the minor pairs played Saturday pm should read Col Halls & Joe Piola def Callum Murray & AJ Uptin.

Colin said...

In the minor pairs played Saturday pm should read Col Halls & Joe Piola def Callum Murray & AJ Uptin.

smitty said...

Thanks Colin,

Have revised posting and given credit due to your win rather than just listing your name!