Friday, 31 May 2013

"Latest Bowls News" Blog

“Latest Bowls News” Blog

Postings and comments regarding the Port City Bowling Club planned extensions and the Four Greens open letter have been deleted from this web blog.

These postings were intended to help inform members and provide a forum for feedback to the Board. I would like to thank all members who have taken the time and trouble to post comments and those who have supported this public forum.

As requested by the Board we have deleted these posts. This action has been taken, with reluctance, in the interest of supporting rational and constructive debate on the issues raised for the benefit of our great club.

The Port City Board of Directors has indicated that should members wish to make comments the club email address is available and these comments will be passed on to the Board. 

Yours in bowls, “Smitty”

1 comment:

smitty said...

To be consistent with our agreement to delete the posts and comments regarding the planned club extension, no comments will be published on this posting.

Any comments received will be forwarded to the board for their information.

You can also email the Port City Board directly - their email address is: