Sunday, 6 November 2022

News from Lake Cathie - WBC

The news report from the Lake Cathie Women's BC for the week ending Sunday the 6th of November, 2022 follows.

Thanks to Jill Howard, Communications Officer. for this report.

Lake Cathie Women's Bowling Club

Hello Ladies,

Friday, the 4th, saw the semi finals of the Consistency Singles played on a fast green and under blue skies.

The winners were Jenny Roberts who played Fiona Brassey, and Wendy Byers who played Di Fischer. Both were entertaining games played in good sportsmanship and spirit. The Final has been scheduled for Friday, 11th November at 9 a.m. and should not be missed! It will be a cracker of a game.

Diary Dates

Tuesday, November 8
Out of the Hat Triples
Entries are closed.
The draw will be held at 8.30 am with play to commence at 9.00 am.

Friday, November 11
Consistency Singles Final
9.00 a.m. start

Saturday, November 12
Lake Cathie Grade 2 to play against North Haven (blu)Grade 3
Play to commence at 9.00am.
Please note the correct date for this is the 12th not on the previously reported date.

Tuesday, November 15
Club Person of the Year
Nominations close at 1 pm.

Friday/Saturday and Sunday, November 18-21
No bowls
State Division 1 Pennant Finals - Men's and Women's.

Tuesday, November 29
Trade Table - your baking would be appreciated.
Golden Girls.

Tuesday, December 6
President and Secretary Day.

Tuesday, December 13
Break Up Day
Presentation Day
More details to be provided soon.

Communication Officer

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