Friday, 13 August 2021

News from Westport - WBC

The news report from the Westport Women's BC for the week ending Thursday the 12th of August, 2021 follows.

Thanks to Julie Fraser, Communications Officer for the report and photos from the Women's Triples Carnival.

Carnival Winners - Denise Penney, Jenny Wallace (Port City) &Yvonne Hansell.

Westport Women's Bowling Club

Report for Tuesday 10/8/2021
Tuesday Morning Mixed Bowls-9.30 am Start- Uniform or neat and casual. Welcome all members and visitors to this competition. Names into Margaret Coombes on 65813264 or 042286063 or names down in locker room. Winners were I. McLean, D. Burley, K. Byers and C. Dodd. Raffle winners were G. Elford x2 , J. Crowe and L. Williamson. No jackpot winners today.

Report for Thursday 12/8/2021
Thursday Morning Ladies Social Bowls-9.30 am Start- Uniform or neat and casual. Water and flag for 19/8 is Barb Nall.

Report for yesterday’s Carnival

Winners were:
5th place Sue Quinn, Judy Crowe and Betty Oliver, 
4th place Barb Nall, Annette Jones and Jo Lee 
3rd place Kaye Newberry, Julie Fraser and Marj Peasnell all From Westport. 
2nd from Wauchope Rosie Ansley, Glenda Elford and Doris McKinnon .
Our winners were Denise Penney Jenny Wallace PC and Yvonne Hansell.

Congratulations all bowlers . A great lunch had by all and some great bowls played! The rain held off till the very end.

I wish to thank our generous sponsors of our Carnival !
The Westport Club
Port Macquarie Travel   
Harcourt Real Estate
Dot and Nev Burley

“What’s on at Westport “

Our AGM will be on Thursday 19th at 9. Am all members please attend . Committee meeting at 1.30 pm

Club 4s Semi Final will be on Wednesday
25/8 and final on Thursday 26/8

Major Triples draw will be on Wednesday morning 1/9
1st round Wednesday 8 /9. Next round 9/9

Tuesday Morning Mixed Bowls 9.30am
Tuesday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Wednesday morning Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Thursday Morning Ladies Social Bowls 9.30 am Start
Friday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Sat Morning Mixed Bowls 9.30 am Start
Sunday morning Shakers Mixed Social Bowls 9.30 am

District Calendar

2/9 Wauchope Floral Festival
6/9 Bi monthly Meeting Nth Haven 9.30 am
9/9 Meet the new members day
13/9-14/9 Turn around triples - Port City
16/9 Committee Meeting 1.30 pm
19/9 -23/9 State Pennants Forster at this stage
26/9 Charity Day
28/9 Lake Cathie Gala Day

Anyone interested in free Bowls lessons please contact Ray Taylor on 6584 0011.

2nd from Wauchope - Rosie Ansley, Glenda Elford & Doris McKinnon

3rd place Kaye Newberry, Julie Fraser and Marj Peasnell all From Westport. 

4th place Barb Nall, Annette Jones and Jo Lee

5th place Sue Quinn, Judy Crowe and Betty Oliver

Communications Officer
Julie Fraser

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