Friday, 6 August 2021

News from Westport - WBC

The news report from the Westport Women's BC for the week ending Thursday the 5th of August, 2021 follows.

Thanks to Julie Fraser, Communications Officer for the report.

Westport Women's Bowling Club

Report for Tuesday 3/8/2021

Tuesday Morning Mixed Bowls-9.30 am Start- Uniform or neat and casual. Welcome all members and visitors to this competition. Names into Margaret Coombes on 65813264 or 0422816063 or names down in locker rooms. Winners were R. Brundsden , E. Hankin, R. Crowe and B. Farrell. Raffle winners were P. Fraser, G. Elford, R. Budnick and J. Hindson. Half jackpot winners were W. Elliott, T. Jones and T Emery. .

Report for Thursday 5/8/2021

Thursday Morning Ladies Social Bowls-9.30 am Start - Uniform or neat and casual. Names down in locker room or phone Bowls office on 65887220 after 8 am on the day . Yesterday we had our Gala Day in beautiful conditions if not a little windy ! Everyone had a great morning and lovely sandwiches from Westport Club for lunch . An enjoyable morning had by all and raised some money for our district . Well done all the committee!

“What’s on at Westport “

Club 4s round 1 is on Tuesday 10th 9 am Roll Up. Semi Final TBA
Annette Jones umpire and CB Ruth Creed

Our 2 bowl Triples carnival is on next Thursday 12th August.

WWBC AGM is on Thursday Morning 19th August 9 am all members please attend .
Committee meeting at 1.30 pm the same day

Quarterly meeting on 26th August 9 am Followed by the 4s Final

Tuesday Morning Mixed Social Bowls 9.30 am Start
Tuesday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Wednesday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Thursday morning Ladies Social Bowls 9.30 am Start
Friday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 1pm start
Saturday morning mixed Social Bowls 9. Am Start
Sunday morning Shakers Mixed Social Bowls 9.30 am Start

“September Events “

2nd Wauchope Floral Festival
6th Bi-Monthly District Meeting North Haven 9.30 am
8th Comboyne Presidents Day and Birthday
9th Meet the new members day at Westport

13th -14th Port City Turnaround triples for 4
16th Committee Meeting 1.30 pm
19th - 23rd Pennants Forster at this stage
26th Charity Day
28th Lake Cathie Gala Day

Anyone interested in free Bowls lessons please contact Ray Taylor on 65840011 .

Communications Officer
Julie Fraser

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