Friday 5 July 2024

Westport Women's Bowling Club

The following are some photos from the Westport Women's BC including Presentation Day 2024.

Thanks to Julie Fraser for the pics and notes.

Received our Regional medals

Regional 4's Winners 
Missing Gail Oliver, Sharon Wright , Elaine Hankin and Larry Iacano. .photo (L to R) Kate Mason Mason ,Sue Pitman reserve , Flo King , Linda Williamson and Julie Fraser

Regional Pairs Winners
D. Penney and J. Stockham

Major Singles Winner
Winner Janine Stockham

Most Improved
Sue Pitman

Consistency Winner
E. Byers

Winners Major Pairs
D. Penney and D. Gudgeon

Triples winners 
D. Penney, C. Purnell and D. Gudgeon

Winner of Minor Singles
E. Byers

4's winners 
K.Newberry, J . Lee, B. Nall and D. Penney

Lake Cathie Winter Carnival
Winners from Westport: L. Denise Gudgeon , Julie Fraser and Flo King.

Mascot Matilda

A Close Loss

State Pennant Finals
Cathy Griffith Reserve , Sue Pitman, Flo King , Sharon Wright, Marleen Van Den Bosch Manager , Elaine Hankin, Gail Oliver , Linda Williamson, Kate Mason and Julie Fraser .

Went to Bateau Bay to the State Pennants 4s Finals ! Had a win , a close loss and a loss ! Most of all lived every minute ! Met some wonderful ladies as well ! Great experience.

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