Sunday 21 July 2024

News from Westport - WBC

The news report from the Westport Women's BC for the week ending Thursday 18th July, 2024 is now available.

The report follows with thanks to Julie Fraser, Vice President WBC.
After a short break it's great to see Julie back with her bowls report.

Westport Women's Bowling Club

Tuesday Morning Mixed Social Bowls - Uniform or neat and Casual- 9 am arrival for 9.30 am start. Names into Margaret Coombes on 0422816063 or 65813264 or names down in locker room . Cost to play is $11. All members and visitors welcome . This week’s visitors were Lee and Ian McLean from Vic. And Dawn Smith from Geelong Vic. Lucky jackpot winners and raffles upstairs after bowls .

Thursday Morning Ladies Social Bowls - 9. Am arrival for 9.30 am start . Names into bowls office between 8 am and 8.15 am on the day. Phone 6588 7220 . Or names down in ladies locker room . Cost to play is only $11. Lucky winners and raffle upstairs after bowls .

“ What's on at a Westport “

A record of 56 bowlers attended our Tuesday mixed triples on July 16th - so join us for a great morning of fun and social bowls .

Minor Pairs entry sheet is on the board in the ladies locker room .
Ladies Pennants first round is Tuesday 20/8.
Regional Pairs Mens and Ladies starts 24/8 Seniors , Open and Reserve
Entries on Bowlslink .

Weekly schedule for bowls at Westport
Tuesday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 12.30 arrival for 1 pm start
Wednesday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 12.30 arrival for 1pm start
Friday afternoon Men's Social Bowls 12.30 arrival for 1 pm start
Sunday Morning Shakers 9 am arrival for 9.30 am start

Anyone interested in free bowls lessons please contact Julie Fraser on 0408998181

Vice President
Julie Fraser

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