Sunday, 6 September 2020

News from Kew - MBC

The news report from the Kew Men's BC for the week ending Sunday the 6th September, 2020 is now available.

View the latest report below with thanks to Brian "Frosty" Charters.

Kew Men's Bowling Club

The semi-finals of the club triples were played on Saturday Dean Gemmell, Trevor Robb and Terry Miles played that little bit better to def Gary Ruprecht, Chicka Thompson and Barrie Isaac to be the first team into the final, then in the second game Bill O’Donnell, Gary Hamilton and Mick Stuttard ran out winners against John Brown, Budgie Brecard and Charles Doyle. The final is set down to be played on Sunday afternoon; the time is yet to be set.

Ray Pantlin is doing well after his procedure in Sydney all his friends at the club wish him a speedy recovery and back to bowls soon.

Wednesday social and scooting to the butchers with the cash was George Wise, Ian Poole and Warren Bates, in the runner up spot was Graham Williams, John Gemmell and Howard Burrows. Voucher winners were John Gemmell, Daryle Barr, John Smith and Ray Elliott.

The draw is on the board for the minor singles please check to see when and who you play.

Friday jackpot triples and the jackpot is safe in the bank until Friday the 18th when $296 will be up for grabs again. Rink winners were Keith Nichols, Warren Barnes and Barrie Isaac, the runner up prize went to Cliff Kerr, Ian Hodgkinson and Trevor Boyle. Voucher winners were Ian Poole, Warren Barnes, Cliff Kerr and Rocky Davis.

Bowls this week Wednesday social and Saturday cashpot triples names in by 11.30 12.30 start both days mufti dress all welcome.

For all inquiries phone the club on 65594203. Cheers Frosty.

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