Thursday 13 December 2012

Port City WBC Weekly News 13th December

On Saturday 8th December the Members Only Mixed Fours Tournament was held. Format was 3 x 12 ends. 144 players participated. The Prizes went down to 13th position. Winners - Gail Carmody, Norma Schwartz, Jim Burge, Lyn Thompson. Runners-up - Colin Halls, Ella Wright, Warren Francis, Bobby Waterhouse.

Tuesday 11th December we held our Christmas Party Day. Despite a few showers most of us managed to complete 18 ends.

There were no Winners and Losers on the day - just Lucky Numbers.

Most of the ladies dressed up in very festive Christmas clothing and a fun day was enjoyed by all.

After bowls we came into the Clubhouse and saw the very decorative table settings and all the hard work done by Committee and helpers.

President Barbara welcomed Major Brett Gallagher and Major Alison Gallagher from the Salvation Army and introduced the rest of the Official Table. Secretary Judy Brady, Vice-Presidents Ann Kirk and Carol Bowman, Treasurer Anne Connell, Bowls Co-ordinator Charlie Buchanan - President of the Men's Club Paul Brady, and Life Members Robyn Biddle, Norma Schwartz and Frances Green.

It was also great to see our non-playing members in attendance. President Barbara thanked Robyn Biddle, Norma Schwartz and Frances Green for all their help during her time in office and asked them to cut the Christmas Cake that had been made and beautifully iced by Beth Schubert.

Major Brett Gallagher was presented with a cheque for $700 and a car full of food and gifts for the needy and he thanked the Club. He said there is always a great need at Christmas time and there will be at least 160 families who need help this year and will benefit from the gifts

The Lucky Door Prize went to Sue Smith. The two Christmas Hampers were won by Margaret Edwards and June Harris.

Norma Schwartz then read out the names of the luck rink winners and prizes of hams, turkeys, chickens and wine were presented to 19 lucky ladies.

Kay Bain did a great job of Master of Ceremonies for the concert, which was produced by
our own talented bowlers/performers who did a production of Mama Mia and various other items.
I don't know who had the most fun - them or us.

After the Grand Finale President Barbara wished us all a Merry Christmas and looked forward to seeing us again next year.

There will be no more Friday am coaching for 2012, but it will be resumed after bowls return on 8th January 2013.
Merry Christmas to all.
Many thanks to Barbara Owens for this report

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