Sunday 25 August 2024

News from Kew - MBC

 The news report from the Kew Men's BC for the week ending Sunday the 25th of August, 2024 is now available.

The news report follows with thanks to Andrew Richards. 

Kew Men's Bowling Club

Weekly Newsletter - 25th August, 2024

Wednesday Social Bowls saw Dave Harvey, Viv Gunter and John O’Neill score 40 shots to take out the top prize. The Runners Up were Adrian Hilton, Ray Pantlin and Rocky Davis. Voucher winners were Ian Orr, Mick Ashford, John Hilton and Darren Darcy.

In the Friday Jackpot Triples, the jackpot money once again failed to be drawn. The Rink Winners were Denis Squires, Stewart Rogan and Mark Hammond. The Runners Up were Rod Fokes, Barrie Isaac and Ian Poole. Voucher Winners were Cliff Kerr, Barrie Isaac, Denis Squires and John Hilton.

Monday Monthly Pairs is being held on 2nd of September. Entry forms are on the board in the Club House, or contact Barrie or Frank.

The start date of the Club Championship Fours has been changed to Sunday 8th September. The Entry Fee for Club Championships has been revised to $15 per Championship, so you only need to pay for the first game.

The start time of our Wednesday Social Bowls during the hotter months of December, January and February is under review. The proposed start time is 10am, and this will be discussed over the next few weeks to get member feedback.

Bowls this week include Wednesday Social and Saturday Cashpot Triples, names in by 11.30 for a 12.30 start (mufti dress). Add your name to the sheets in the Club Room, or contact Chicka 0423787325, Griffo 0413052684, or text Frank 0417698899.

Well, that's the news for this week. Enjoy your bowls. Cheers, Scoop

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